The ERAF Champions Club is how we encourage sustaining gifts to our Foundation. The Champions Club provides our dedicated supporters the opportunity to make monthly tax-deductible contributions to the care of our rescue horses.
Monthly sustained support makes all the difference in the world to our horses. Without it, we could not continue to provide the life-saving work we perform.
ERAF Champions help to offset the costs of care for our horses. These costs include hay & feed, farrier services, veterinary care, and everyday barn needs.
Click Here to View our horses needing your support. Click on their photo to learn more about them and choose to be their Champion.
If you would like to speak to someone at ERAF regarding our Business Champion program please contact
Melissa J. Muller, Executive Director at melissamuller.eraf@gmail.com or
If would like to learn more about our Champion's Club for Businesses, please click here.