Volunteers are the lifeblood of our organization. We welcome your involvement with our mission to rescue horses, rehabilitate, retrain them, and adopt them out to their next chapter.


If you are interested in becoming an ERAF volunteer, we ask that you first submit the online interest form below, attend a Volunteer Orientation and complete the Volunteer Registration form that will be sent to you.
Orientation is typically held the first Saturday of the month.
Orientation will be held at our Barn property (6400 SW Martin Highway).
There is a $25.00 individual or $30.00 per household volunteer registration fee.

When working at barn & paddock chores our volunteers work specific shifts and tasks. The shifts are 8 AM to 11 AM and 2 PM to 5 PM daily, seven days a week. We also have other volunteer opportunities that have more flexible hours. These opportunities include Facility Maintenance, Landscaping, Events and Fundraising, Grant Writing, Junior Volunteer Program, Donor Outreach, Social Media and Marketing Support, Foster & Adoption Programs, Tours.

Junior Volunteers (ages 10 and up) are welcome! Junior Volunteers under 16 must be accompanied and supervised by a parent/guardian at all times.

Please click button below to fill out and submit the Volunteer Interest form.

volunteer interest form

If you choose to, you will be able to pay the fee online with a PayPal account or by entering your Credit Card. Just choose the appropriate fee amount and click on the Submit button to go to Checkout.

Once the form is submitted you will receive a confirmation email that contains a link to download the Volunteer Registration form in PDF format. If possible please download the form, print it and fill it out to bring with you to orientation. If this is not possible we will have some blank forms available.

We look foward to you joining our team.

After your orientation, you will start your hands-on experience with expert guidance. You’ll work along with an experienced volunteer or staff member who will help you learn safe and proper techniques of the barn chores and being around the horses. Your education continues as you practice these skills and become part of the ERAF family.

If you are interested in handling horses, we ask that you attend our Basic Horsemanship class, free of charge. Our Basic Horsemanship class is required, for your safety, for you to be able to handle horses, ponies, or minis on the property. Until you are certified, you may shadow an experienced volunteer as they attend to a horse. You will be notified at orientation when the classes will be scheduled.

ERAF is looking for a Volunteer Coordinator.
Please CLICK HERE to see additional information and apply!
